PinchTune is a blog about FPV quadcopters, mini drones, racing quads and other multirotors.
Our main focus is on smaller and faster racing mini quads, specially FPV. However, we also cover less aggressive radio controlled multicopters for fun flight and aerial photography, whether FPV or line of sight. We revolve around DIY building, multirotor tuning and flight controller setup and programming. We also love to experiment.
This is a very fast growing hobby with tons of development and changes happening on a weekly basis. What seemed cutting edge a year ago is archaic now. Our goal is to keep up with multirotor technology. From radio control systems, to video downlinks and FPV, to flight controllers, to batteries and power systems – those are our interests and what we cover. We need a way to film our flights as well as capture aerial photos. For this reason, you’ll find stuff about GoPro and Mobius cameras too.
Let’s have fun together and enjoy this awesome hobby. It is a great time to get involved as there has never been a better time for multi-rotors. We encourage you to build your own, especially if your focus is to fly an aerobatic racing drone. We stand by that because if you can build it you can fix it. If you crash it, you can fix it. Not to mention, it’s fun to build a multirotor from scratch. There’s is just so much you learn when you do it yourself.
So let the journey begin. It may all sound like gibberish at first. You may not understand or be able to differentiate between SBUS or PPM, or choose between Cleanflight, Baseflight or OpenPilot, or even choose between 3S or 4S LiPo batteries. Maybe you have no idea whether to choose 1.3Ghz or 5.8ghz frequencies for your FPV video transmitter or what antennas to use. But, that’s part of the fun of learning. Sooner more than later, it will all make sense and you can begin teaching others. After all, we’re all new to this. Even the most experienced of all multirotor pilots is still new to this. This is a relatively new hobby and we’re all learning every day.
Charge those LiPos, grab your radio, put on your FPV goggles and take control of your mini quad! Let’s go!
One more thing… PinchTune. What’s it mean? Super simple really. RC pilots that pinch the radio transmitter sticks with their thumb and index fingers are called pinchers. The publisher of this site just so happens to be an avid pincher whether he’s flying a mini quad, a tricopter or a plane. Then, the word tune. Well, we spend a lot of time tuning our crafts. Be it using BlackBox or just by feel, tuning PIDs and rates is all part of the multirotor flight experience. So there you have it! That’s the meaning of PinchTune!